Newest Innovation In Board Games Helps Combat School Bullying
UTurn Bully™ BOARD GAMES CAN HELP! Education starts at home, however, we must do more to raise awareness in order to keep our children safe at home, in the classroom, on the school bus and playground. The UTurn Bully™ board games are ideal for bringing families together for a family fun-night. (A game of fun while they learn).
UTurn Bully™ board games were developed by an outraged parent, concerned about the growing epidemic of violence in schools around the world. The rising instances of bullying continues to adversely affect the lives of far too many young people everyday. Kids are finding, that the UTurn Bully™ board games are fun, challenging, exciting and what they've needed in the fight against bullying.
"This Game is Truly Wonderful!!! I believe that UTurn Bully™ board games will help parents and teachers address the difficult challenges of bullying in a fun and practical manner." - Dr. Cynthia Statham. PhD, Public School System
The UTurn Bully™ Board Game
UTurn Bully™ board games are unique, exciting and interactive learning tools, designed to build character, develop life-skills and assess the level of sensitivity to violence. This game will also challenge each player's decision-making skills, conflict resolution ability and overall knowledge of the brutal world of bullying. Indeed, it is the game of your life!